Interview with Chadhiyana Creator, J. M. DeSantis, Tonight at 9 pm EST

Firekeeper Symbol

J. M. DeSantis YouTube Interview

Tonight (20 May) J. M. DeSantis will be interviewed by JD Calderon at 9 pm EST on Calderon’s YouTube Channel, LIVE! (Though the video will remain up afterward, in case you missed it.)

With lock-downs still in place all over the world, and the fact that J. M. hasn’t been putting out too many updates on current projects, this interview is certain to be full of news and updates on projects past, present, and future, including Chadhiyana, Gentleman Cthulhu, and his latest in-progress novel. Read more… ›

Chadhiyana Creator, J. M. DeSantis, on Patreon!

J. M. DeSantis on Patreon

Today is an exciting day for me, though (to be honest) it’s also a bit terrifying because today I’ve officially launched my new Patreon page!

For a long time now I’ve toyed with the idea of crowdfunding, drawn by its potential to help fund personal, independent projects. As it is, personal, independent projects have been a major part of my career as a writer and artist, yet I’ve never been certain if I could carry a campaign all on my own. But then, over a year ago, I became aware of Patreon. Read more… ›