2015 Conventions Begin in One Month
As posted on his blog today (on jmdesantis.com), Chadhiyana creator, J. M. DeSantis will be attending the East Coast ComiCon on April 11 & 12, 2015. It is being held at the Meadowlands Expo Center in Secaucus, New Jersey, and will J. M.’s first convention appearance in his native New Jersey. Of course, on hand will be a number of Chadhiyana items and the chance to harass J. M. about the big news he’s been teasing about for so long (which likely will be announced by then).
So mark your calendars, if you’ll be in the area, but it won’t be the only chance to see him this year. You can always get an up-to-date list of J. M.’s convention appearances on the Events & Shows page of his website (jmdesantis.com/events). We’ll see what can be done about getting something like that on this site as well.