Chadhiyana will appear in A Kid and a Comic for a 10 issue, two-part story!
Read more… ›It’s been a long while coming, but Chadhiyana #2: In the Dwerrow Tomb is now available on GlobalComix as pay-per-page or DRM-free PDF download: Read more… ›
Check out the new Sequential Tart interview with Jackie Musto, artist for Inner Strength (Chadhiyana: Rekindled), and the upcoming Chadhiyana: In the Dwerrow Tomb and Two Birds:
Also, she is currently running a Kickstarter for her wonderful comic, Kay and P! Consider supporting here:
The next Chadhiyana issues are in production. In the meanwhile, you can read this interview I recently did with Sheena McNeil at Sequential Tart & her review of issue 1, Chadhiyana: Rekindled. More reviews coming, as well as interviews with artists Jackie Musto & Dana Sanguir!
I recently sat down for an interview with fellow Dark Fire Press writer and creator, Jorge Medina (Wonder Duck) about the latest Chadhiyana: Rekindled comic and issues to follow it in this latest series. If I can be so bold as to say it, I feel this interview was so well conducted (and I’m really happy with how concisely I answered the questions), so please give it a read. Read more… ›
As before posted, Chadhiyana: Rekindled is now available not only in digital formats on ComiXology and, but also in print on! Read more… ›
Now available on ComiXology and GlobalComix, Chadhiyana: Rekindled, the first in a new 5-issue series of stand-alone stories about The Girl with the Fire-Ringed Eyes.
A print version of the comic will be available soon Read more… ›