Spend Cyber Monday with Chadhiyana Creator, J. M. DeSantis
It’s Cyber Monday! And with that, I, J. M. DeSantis, creator of both Chadhiyana and Gentleman Cthulhu, am highlighting my new storefront (jmdesantis.com/shop/), commission requests (open through 31 January 2018), and my Patreon page (to support this page and other work). And wouldn’t you know, there’s even original artwork for said creations on sale through the storefront.
This past October, I participated in Inktober and included in the collection one Gentleman Cthulhu piece, seven Lovecraftian pieces, and eight Chadhiyana pieces. All are currently on sale through my new store on jmdesantis.com/shop/ (which does not replace my storefronts on Zazzle and Society6; rather this new store is for exclusive merchandise and original artwork). Also available are a number of Chadhiyana prints at a discounted price (through December 31st), as well as sketchcover versions of Chadhiyana #0 and Gentleman Cthulhu: Year One.
Additional sketch covers can be commissioned through my Commission Requests Page (jmdesantis.com/commission-requests), as well as non-sketch cover commissions and even non-Chadhiyana or Gentleman Cthulhu commissions (if you wish). Prices, however, are raising in February 2018 (due to a desire on my part to create better quality commissions), so this is the last chance to get a commission from me before my price raise.
Last, as has been announced through my website, this is the last few days to have your name included in my forthcoming sketchbook and the Inktober collection; both of which include both Chadhiyana and Gentleman Cthulhu artwork. The books will be available in 2018 on my convention tables and possibly through my new storefront, but if you’d like a copy early and to have your name included as a supporter, join my Patreon page (patreon.com/jmdesantis; which includes early access to Chadhiyana issues and Gentleman Cthulhu comics) by December 1st. At just $3.00 you can have your name in both books; $5.00 includes a digital copy; $15.00 gets all of this plus a physical, signed copy of both books.
Else, please spread the word, and though I humbly apologise for all of the delays the last few months, I thank you sincerely for your continued support. More announcements and information will be coming in the next few months, so keep coming back, as I promise, I am back and working hard to bring you more of the same sort of material (and even better) that drew you to my work in the first place.