End Chapter II
With page 72 posted so ends Chapter II of Chadhiyana: In the Company of Shadows. I know I’ve said it many times, over the past year, but this is only the beginning. There’s so much more to come in this graphic novel–as I’m sure you can see by the endings of the first two chapters. Plus there’s a lot more of Chadhiyana (the character) to come as she will increasingly take center stage in the story. That said, with Chapter II ended and the upcoming holidays, it seems a perfect time to take a little break from posting pages.
As I wrote about in my blog last week in my Reflections on 2014 post (on jmdsantis.com), this past year has been a very rewarding yet very busy year, and I am a little worn out from it all. The long hours have produced some great, consistent work from me, but they were long hours, nonetheless. So, I’d like to take a couple of weeks off to enjoy the upcoming holidays and recharge a bit (I hope you won’t begrudge me that much). Though, that isn’t the only reason I’ve decided to take a break.
2015 has the potential to be a big year for me (and Chadhiyana). And to start it all off, there is going to be a big announcement next month. I can’t say exactly what the announcement is at this time, though I have alluded to it in the past month or so both on chadhiyana.com and jmdesantis.com. I’ll leave you to surmise what you will, but until there’s official word on anything, don’t get your hopes up too high. (I just think it’s good policy to not count on something until it’s official, though, certainly I am excited–you can’t imagine how much!)
So stay tuned, and enjoy what remains of 2014. We’ll be seeing each other again in the New Year–I can promise you that.