On the Horizon
A Happy (belated) Thanksgiving (to all who celebrate it)! It’s been a while since I’ve posted a new blog post on chadhiyana.com (though I am still posting weekly blog posts on jmdesantis.com). First, my apologies for the recent black and white page. It’s been a while since I’ve been forced to post a half-finished page, but between the Thanksgiving holiday and feeling under the weather the past two days, this was the best I could muster. A coloured version will be up soon.
Other than that, I’m still hard at work on a script for a new Chadhiyana mini-series, though, with Chadhiyana: In the Company of Shadows still publishing, it may be a while before this new story sees the light of day. What’s more, I’ve been writing extensive notes for a number of other Chadhiyana stories. So with luck, there won’t be a shortage of new Chadhiyana tales for a while.
Also, as I wrote last week on my regular blog, I’ve been working on a number of things behind the scenes for next year. I don’t want to let on to too much just now, as nothing is set in stone yet and in case things don’t pan out. At the same time, I can hardly contain my excitement for what I’m hoping (and am confident) will work out. So I’ll be vague and cryptic instead. That said, of these yet-to-be-revealed things, one of them will affect Chadhiyana greatly–in a good way, of course! So stay tuned for more.
I’ll be sure to make any news worthy announcements here and on my website (jmdesantis.com). In the meanwhile, continue reading Chadhiyana: In the Company of Shadows. I hope you’re all enjoying this more Chadhiyana-filled chapter. Now the story is really starting to build.