Chadhiyana: Rekindled Digital Available

Now available on ComiXology and GlobalComix, Chadhiyana: Rekindled, the first in a new 5-issue series of stand-alone stories about The Girl with the Fire-Ringed Eyes.

A print version of the comic will be available soon Read more… ›


New York Comic Con is One Month Away

J. M. DeSantis Event 2015

It’s September 8th and you know what that means: it’s exactly one month to the day before the start of the 2015 New York Comic Con! It’s also six days and some odd hours before extended ticket mailing for the show closes. As in the previous few years, I be exhibiting in the small press area (I believe at the same booth as last year: 1259)–so be sure not to look for me in artist alley. That said, though I’ll be in the same spot as some small publishers, it’s not only books you can get at my booth (though, you can get books too). Read more… ›