Another year and another Baltimore Comic-Con. It’s one of the shows I’ve done for the longest length of time (in, I believe, about eight years of exhibiting at conventions—since the Fall of 2009), and it’s one of my favourites. Baltimore is extremely artist friendly (just look at the size of its Artist Alley), and I’ve always found the show to be well run and the staff quite friendly (though, admittedly, I’ve never been to a show where the latter wasn’t true). Read more… ›
Today is an exciting day for me, though (to be honest) it’s also a bit terrifying because today I’ve officially launched my new Patreon page!
For a long time now I’ve toyed with the idea of crowdfunding, drawn by its potential to help fund personal, independent projects. As it is, personal, independent projects have been a major part of my career as a writer and artist, yet I’ve never been certain if I could carry a campaign all on my own. But then, over a year ago, I became aware of Patreon. Read more… ›
As promised, I’m sharing the podcasts of the artists and writers panels I was on during No Such Con this past weekend. I had a lot of fun at the show (which you can read about in Tuesday’s blog piece:, and both panels were great to participate in. Thanks again to our moderator, author Thomm Quackenbush, for having me on them. Read more… ›
It’s been a long time since the last issue of Chadhiyana. Nine months by my count. That’s a terribly long time for a comic I was hoping to put out bi-monthly (that is, once every two months, not twice a month as the ambiguous term can be read). But Chadhiyana #5 is finally available to purchase on comiXology ( and Amazon (, and it is the opinion of both myself and my publisher that this is the best issue in the series so far. Read more… ›
As I’ve been writing and hinting at for a couple of weeks now (or at least it feels so–on my regular blog on, that is), Chadhiyana #5 is going to be released relatively soon. It has been a long wait between issues 4 and 5, and I’ve made some mention of why that has been in the past–not least that my publisher, Rosarium Publishing, was doing some work behind the scenes that delayed the issue’s release (Rosarium is still a very small operation, despite their growth over the years). That said, my publisher and I think the wait just may be worth it, because we both agree this is by far the best issue of Chadhiyana yet. Read more… ›
It was five years ago this month (July 2011) that I began preparing for my second New York Comic Con appearance. I had decided beforehand to dedicate the entire summer to getting new work ready. This included new prints, my first (and, to date, only) sketchbook (for sale, that is) and a collapsible banner to draw people to my table. Amongst the pieces I created that summer were an unused cover idea I had wanted to submit to Planet Lovecraft Magazine (before it closed its doors) of Cthulhu sitting in an armchair in Victorian attire, reading a copy of the magazine and an acrylic painting of a nameless Indian female warrior. Read more… ›
We did it! Yesterday evening, Rosarium Publishing (the publisher for my comic, Chadhiyana) reached the goal for their IndieGoGo campaign, the funds of which are, in part, going toward print runs for a number of upcoming books, including the first Chadhiyana trade! Read more… ›
With just nine days remaining in the Rosarium Publishing IndieGoGo campaign (, I wanted to take the time today to write something about the Chadhiyana perk that’s being offered. As the campaign lists, with your $20 (Chadhiyana) contribution you will receive the first Chadhiyana collection (issues 1 – 6; already listed on Amazon for pre-order at $19.95: and a 4-page mini-comic. I’ve finally worked out the story for that mini-comic (which, essentially, you get for free with your pre-order), and convinced my publisher to give me more pages to tell it in. Read more… ›
Today is a very special day for me and Chadhiyana (my medieval Indian assassin comic). Not only has Chadhiyana #4 been given a release date of April 27th, but Rosarium Publishing (Chadhiyana’s publisher) has launched a massive crowdfunding campaign in order to reach the next level in its growth as a publisher: (appropriately named Rosarium Publishing: The Next Level). Read more… ›