At Long Last…Chadhiyana #5

Chadhiyana #5 Now Available!

It’s been a long time since the last issue of Chadhiyana. Nine months by my count. That’s a terribly long time for a comic I was hoping to put out bi-monthly (that is, once every two months, not twice a month as the ambiguous term can be read). But Chadhiyana #5 is finally available to purchase on comiXology ( and Amazon (, and it is the opinion of both myself and my publisher that this is the best issue in the series so far. Read more… ›

The Chadhiyana Rosarium Campaign Perk

Chadhiyana Rosarium Publishing: The Next Level

With just nine days remaining in the Rosarium Publishing IndieGoGo campaign (, I wanted to take the time today to write something about the Chadhiyana perk that’s being offered. As the campaign lists, with your $20 (Chadhiyana) contribution you will receive the first Chadhiyana collection (issues 1 – 6; already listed on Amazon for pre-order at $19.95: and a 4-page mini-comic. I’ve finally worked out the story for that mini-comic (which, essentially, you get for free with your pre-order), and convinced my publisher to give me more pages to tell it in. Read more… ›

The Wait is Nearly Over

Chadhiyana #3 news

Strange things happen and people die as the witch has appeared to escape. Now, the Tal-Ifatiir order is terrified, and they are starting to blame Chadhiyana for all their supernatural misfortunes. ~ From Rosarium Publishing

Sorry. I know I already posted the above blurb from my publisher when I originally wrote my blog piece on the Chadhiyana #3 release date, but I just really love that quote. I know I’m a little biased, but if this book weren’t my own, that synopsis would certainly get me to buy this issue. That said, for those of you who do not have a NetGalley account, the wait is nearly over to read what the publisher teases above. Chadhiyana #3 will release within the week.  Read more… ›