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For those with difficulty reading the text, it reads thusly:

If at all my wordes seem’th uncouth in th’ telling, or leav’th one wanting, I beg your forgiv’ness. I am but a man, lowly and humbl’d by th’ limitations which th’ One saw’st fit to bestow upon me. I can only aspire to th’ greatness of th’ Englari or th’ One, or e’en th’ First Born, who after came and are said to have master’d th’ art of wordes ere th’ first Man walkt upon th’ Earth. This I will attempt’th for th’ love of my ranee. And knowing of no motivation more pure or more perilous, I begin now th’ tale of Chadhiyana for thee…

~ A translation from the Chadhiyanaburnal, which is put a part of the Praveetiram Tadhree, the Song of the Sacred Fire


Or, for a more Modern translation:

If at all my words seem uncouth in the telling, or leave one wanting, I beg your forgiveness. I am but a man, lowly and humbled by the limitations which the One saw fit to bestow upon me. I can only aspire to the greatness of the Englari or the One, or even the First Born, who after came and are said to have mastered the art of words ere the first Man walked upon the Earth. This I will attempt for the love of my ranee. And knowing of no motivation more pure or more perilous, I begin now th’ tale of Chadhiyana for thee…

~ A translation from the Chadhiyanaburnal, which is put a part of the Praveetiram Tadhree, the Song of the Sacred Fire

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