The Countdown Begins

For some weeks now, J. M. DeSantis has been giving regular updates on his blog (on as to the progress of the Chadhiyana graphic novel, Chadhiyana: In the Company of Shadows. As it has been previously announced there, the graphic novel will be published regularly as a web-comic as the creator works on the project, grows an audience for Chadhiyana and finds a publisher for this and future books. This website will be the home of that web-comic.

The exact date of the launch of the web-comic is yet to be determined; however, it has been J. M. DeSantis’s plan all along to have the web-comic ready for the 2013 New York Comic Con (as the first comic debuted at NYCC 2012). That said, keep checking for weekly updates as to the progress on the book and expect the first pages of the comic to be posted very soon.

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