More Chadhiyana #3

Chadhiyana News

Chadhiyana #4 has already been submitted to the publisher (Rosarium Publishing, that is) and it promises to be an intense, albeit short, issue. As much as I’d love to write more about it at this point, I’ll save that for the official release-date announcement. In the meanwhile, though it’s been available for a little over a month now, Chadhiyana #3 has still been getting some attention and is available on yet another one of Rosarium Publishing’s online distributor sites. Read more… ›

Interview with Sequential Tart

My anticipated interview with Sequential Tart ( is finally available on their website! Previously, the site had reviewed Chadhiyana #1 and #2, both with a 10/10 rating. Then, last month, they contacted me for an interview about Chadhiyana, how the character developed and even how I got into comics in the first place. Read more… ›

New York Comic Con Booth 1259!

J. M. DeSantis Upcoming Event

Another year has passed and the New York Comic Con is upon us once more! For the sixth year in a row I will be making an appearance at the show, this time in the exact same spot as last year: Booth 1259 in the Small Press area! Of course, it’s long past time I got back into Artist Alley, but that’s another story. For now, I’m just happy to be participating in such a monumental pop-culture event. Read more… ›

New York Comic Con is One Month Away

J. M. DeSantis Event 2015

It’s September 8th and you know what that means: it’s exactly one month to the day before the start of the 2015 New York Comic Con! It’s also six days and some odd hours before extended ticket mailing for the show closes. As in the previous few years, I be exhibiting in the small press area (I believe at the same booth as last year: 1259)–so be sure not to look for me in artist alley. That said, though I’ll be in the same spot as some small publishers, it’s not only books you can get at my booth (though, you can get books too). Read more… ›

Sign Up for the Mailing List

At the end of this month (or at the very latest, the beginning of next month), I will be starting up a mailing list. At this point, with Chadhiyana, my new web-comic Gentleman Cthulhu ( and my weekly blog (, never mind any forthcoming publications and projects, it’s starting to become necessary to have a central means of keeping fans up-to-date. This monthly newsletter is going to be an attempt (and hopefully a successful one at that) at keeping all of my fans in the know on everything that is coming out from me. Read more… ›