Happy Diwali 2019

Happy Diwali, Chadhiyana fans!

We know that there was a comic advertised as being available today (titled “The Call of Fire”) but the artist didn’t pull through. So J. M. DeSantis had to pick up art duties at the 11th hour. Our sincere apologies. But there’s great news today. Chadhiyana has a new publisher: Dark Fire Press! There are five new issues scheduled for release in 2020, starting with Chadhiyana: Re-Kindled (darkfirepress.com/chadhiyana/rekindled.php)Read more… ›

A New Chadhiyana Project

Chadhiyana FirekeeperChadhiyana creator J. M. DeSantis is currently at work on stories and other materials for a new Chadhiyana project and the series beyond. This new project will include a number of new Chadhiyana stories, told over the course of roughly five comic issues.  Read more… ›

The Big Chadhiyana Update

The Big Chadhiyana Update

I’m certain there are many people who believe Chadhiyana is just another half-finished comic project, abandoned indefinitely by its creator (as is too common an occurrence with indie-comic). Yet despite her relative public absence (except for some social media posts), the Chadhiyana series is not abandoned and is far from complete. From Chadhiyana’s near-instantaneous conception, I felt compelled to tell her story, and there’s never been a project or character more important to me (as I’ve often said). Though I realise that may come off as strange considering the hiatus I’ve seemingly taken from Chadhiyana, so I’m here to set a few things straight and offer some hope and information to the Chadhiyana fanbase.  Read more… ›

Chadhiyana News & Update Coming 12 June 2018

Chadhiyana Big Update Coming 12 June 2018

Despite many delays, the news updating readers on Chadhiyana and the series is nearly here. With the many projects I’ve been working on, plus a continued development on the Chadhiyana series, I keep editing and rewriting the update to reflect the most current information. But I’ve decided to release everything officially on 12 June 2018 (that’s next Tuesday). And of course, if anything new needs to be added, I can do that at a later date (as most certainly something will need be added).  Read more… ›

It’s Been a While…

Since starting my blog back at the end of 2012 (on jmdesantis.com. following the publication of the first Chadhiyana comic), I don’t think I’ve ever let so much time pass between posts. The reasons for that are many, but rather than dwell on the past, I’d like to get everyone up to speed on the new, the old, and the behind-but-catching-up (and to do so in as few words as possible).  Read more… ›

No Such Con & The Final Days…

J. M. DeSantis Blog: No Such Con & The Final Days...
First, thank you to the students at Vassar College for their hard work at the No Such Con this past weekend and for inviting me back. I had a great time catching up with some people I met last year–both exhibitors and attendees–and speaking on the panels about Cultural Competency and Self-Publishing respectively (and a special thanks to Danielle Draik and Emily Ree for inviting me to the latter). There were a few surprises during the weekend too, but before I get into that, I want to point out to my readers that the final days are approaching to get your name included in the And They Call it Mummy Love collection as a supporter (deadline: 28 February 2018).  Read more… ›

Coming Soon: News & Updates

Chadhiyana Firekeeper SymbolI know it’s been a long time since there’s been any real Chadhiyana updates, issues, or news (save for some teasing on Social Media). I am sincerely for the delays, and honestly all the responsibility of that rests with me, not Rosarium Publishing.

Many of you have contacted me and approached me at conventions about The Girl with the Fire Ringed Eyes, and I can assure you I have not left the series at all. In fact, I’ve been working hard on Chadhiyana behind the scenes, after taking a necessary break.

I’m planning to finally release some information about what’s been going on next month (March 2018) on this site, my website (jmdesantis.com) and my Patreon (patreon.com/jmdesantis), so please stay tuned. And as always, thank you for your interest and support of Chadhiyana.

All the Best,
J. M. DeSantis
Creator of Chadhiyana

Spend Cyber Monday with Chadhiyana Creator, J. M. DeSantis

It’s Cyber Monday! And with that, I, J. M. DeSantis, creator of both Chadhiyana and Gentleman Cthulhu, am highlighting my new storefront (jmdesantis.com/shop/), commission requests (open through 31 January 2018), and my Patreon page (to support this page and other work). And wouldn’t you know, there’s even original artwork for said creations on sale through the storefront.  Read more… ›

Happy Diwali from Chadhiyana


from Chadhiyana

See You in Baltimore This Weekend

J. M. DeSantis - Baltimore Comic Con 2017
Another year and another Baltimore Comic-Con. It’s one of the shows I’ve done for the longest length of time (in, I believe, about eight years of exhibiting at conventions—since the Fall of 2009), and it’s one of my favourites. Baltimore is extremely artist friendly (just look at the size of its Artist Alley), and I’ve always found the show to be well run and the staff quite friendly (though, admittedly, I’ve never been to a show where the latter wasn’t true). Read more… ›