Changes Made

reposted today from

If you missed my post last Thursday on Facebook, Twitter and Google+, I mentioned that there was a certain document of interest which was placed in my e-mail last week. That particular document is the harbinger of the big news I’ve had coming for a long time. The end is nigh. And with that, some changes have been made in preparation for its coming. Read more… ›

It’s Almost Here…

reposted today from

The wait is almost over, folks. I’ve gotten word from the powers that be that I should be seeing something official from them within the week. That means the reveal of that BIG news is finally (almost) here. That said, everything is about a month behind where I was hoping it would be at this point, so rather than tease you more, I thought I’d reveal a little bit about what exactly has been going on in the past two months, behind the scenes. Read more… ›

More Hints at the Coming Chadhiyana News

Things have been a tad delayed concerning the forthcoming big news. I had hoped something would have been made official already, but sometimes things can get pushed back a bit. That said, I didn’t want my Chadhiyana fans to be left wondering why no pages have been posted since late December and what with no further word about the future of Chadhiyana. After all, I’ve said this big news concerns her very much. So, with that in mind, I give you a preview and perhaps an even bigger hint at the nature of said news. Read more… ›

Announcement Coming Soon

Happy New Year!

As stated in the previous blog post, 2015 promises to be a big year for Chadhiyana and me (J. M. DeSantis–Chadhiyana’s creator). A big announcement is coming this month!

As such, I have decided to suspend posting pages until the announcement is made. Please enjoy the currently available 72 pages of Chadhiyana: In the Company of Shadows for the time being, and keep checking back (or follow me on Twitter, Facebook or Google+). Great news is coming, so be patient just a little while longer. Stay tuned.

End Chapter II

With page 72 posted so ends Chapter II of Chadhiyana: In the Company of Shadows. I know I’ve said it many times, over the past year, but this is only the beginning. There’s so much more to come in this graphic novel–as I’m sure you can see by the endings of the first two chapters. Plus there’s a lot more of Chadhiyana (the character) to come as she will increasingly take center stage in the story. That said, with Chapter II ended and the upcoming holidays, it seems a perfect time to take a little break from posting pages.  Read more… ›

On the Horizon

A Happy (belated) Thanksgiving (to all who celebrate it)! It’s been a while since I’ve posted a new blog post on (though I am still posting weekly blog posts on First, my apologies for the recent black and white page. It’s been a while since I’ve been forced to post a half-finished page, but between the Thanksgiving holiday and feeling under the weather the past two days, this was the best I could muster. A coloured version will be up soon. Read more… ›

Unfinished Pages, Some Corrections and NYCC

Chadhiyana watercolour sketches - Boston Comic Con 2014
My apologies for another unfinished page. Last week I had honestly been more exhausted from the Baltimore Comic-Con than I have been from any convention I’ve ever done. It was a great show, but it took all week to recuperate. As it was, I posted a black and white page, and this week I attempted to not only colour that page and complete this week’s page, but make some corrections to pages 55 through 57. It was a tall order (apparently). Read more… ›

Thank You Baltimore Comic-Con 2014

Sorry for the black and white post today, folks. With all honesty, no amount of coffee or self-motivation was going to get this done on time. Baltimore Comic-Con was a great but exhausting experience this year, and it took everything I had just to get this much done. I promise I’ll have the colours done soon, as well as the fixes to pages 55 and 56 (where I inexplicably got experimental). Read more… ›

Baltimore Comic-Con and a New Chadhiyana Item

Just a quick reminder that I will be exhibiting in Artist Alley at the Baltimore Comic-Con this weekend (table A109). The convention beings on Friday, September 5th and will run until Sunday, September 7th; however, I will only be attending the convention for two days: Saturday and Sunday. I will not be able to get down to Baltimore until late on September 5th, so I will not have my table set up that day (sorry to those folks who only have Friday tickets). Read more… ›

So Ends Chapter I

As I’ve done twice before, I’ve posted the title page for the next chapter. Yes, that means Chapter I ended with page 52, and Chapter II will begin next week. I know for many of you weekly readers this comes as a disappointment, but as I’ve written in the past, though I am publishing Chadhiyana: In the Company of Shadows as a web-comic, the book was written as a single, two part graphic novel. I want to create a sense of that, even in this weekly posting format, but there are other reasons for it as well. Read more… ›